Rod Northey - Malanda - Ph 0417 790 457 Rod (a retired sign writer/pin-striper can also do gold leaf work) based in Maland and happy to so small work projects.
Vapour Blasting. Dip&Strip Metal Restoration. 122 Buchan Street, Cairns. Phone Mark on 0428 885 846 for cleaning,stripping,glass bead vapour blasting.
Paul Jerome Paint & Panel, 5 Gowan Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 Ph: 4092 2978 Two-Pack and Clear painting of frames/tanks. Paul is familiar with old fashion tradesman workmanship. Can mix colors on-site to provide original color of vintage machines.
D&B Wholesale PO Box 264, Glen Iris, VIC, 3146 Ph: 03 9885 1855 Can provide fine natural corks of various sizes (not compressed cork pieces).$100 minimum order (probably enough to do two sets of clutch plates on most motorcycles
Lee Perrott- 120 Kenny St, Portsmith QLD 4870 Ph (07) 4040 9800 Gear Cutting - General Engineering - Cerakote thin-film protective ceramic coatings used on motorcycle hub’s etc, handlebars and all sorts of alloy items
Shop 10/B/117 Bruce Hwy, Edmonton QLD 4869 Ph 0409 585 044 Boot and Shoe Repairer fixing and altering boots, shoes, bags, belts, luggage and other leather goods. Can fix all zips, leather and vented jackets, leather tool bags, tank-bags, just about anything.