Paul has been the Club’s President now for 3 years and has been around bikes and restorations for most of his life and has been riding bikes since he was 15 years old.
Vice President
Steve has been riding motorcycles since he was 7 years old . A diesel mechanic by trade and doing all repairs to the bikes on his own. Currently owns 2 Moto Guzzi's, 1 Ducati, 1 Suzuki, and a Yamaha dirt bike. Steve is waiting to retire so he can spend more time riding
Kev is originally from Yorkshire UK and has been in Australia since 1980. He is interested in all old and modern motorcycles and been with the club 1 year . He is looking forward to helping the club move forward and would like to thank Jeff for his hard work and guidance as retiring treasurer.
Eddie is the proud owner of a 750 Norton Commando roadster and a couple of Triumphs, has has been riding bikes for the last 42 years.
Jurg has been riding motorcycles for over 45 years . Currently rides a '74 BMW R90/6, a '01 BMW R1100S and a '17 BMW R1200GS. Previously had several other BMW's, Moto Guzzi, Ducati, Honda, Yamaha, Condor, Lambretta and Vespa.
Monthly Meeting – Malanda Hotel in their lovely timber “Ballroom” - lunch at 12pm, meeting at 1.00pm
Meet at Ellis Beach 10.00am for coffee - ride to Julatten Hotel for lunch - ride back via Kuranda or Gillies Range
Monthly Meeting – AMX Motorcycles – please advise who can display older bikes – looking forward to a great turn-out, we will be seeking radio coverage, Jess will also be promoting the event. A massive success last year, let’s make this even bigger this year, a big effort with bikes appreciated.
Sunday lunch ride to Malanda Hotel, lunch in their lovely timber Ballroom, maybe a Tablelands ride before or after lunch, your ideas welcome. Meet at Gordonvale McDonalds 9.30am for a coffee, leave at 10.00am
Monthly Meeting – Meerawa Car Club – Club paid and organised: A good BBQ lunch with drinks provided, partners and friends encouraged, cars if required.
Sunday Lunch Ride - Steves “Mystery lunch Ride”, Steve and Rhonda will take us on all their Tableland back roads. Meet at either Macca’s Gordonvale at 9.00, or at the Pit-Stop Yungabarra at 10.00am
AGM and Monthly Meeting – Cruising Yacht Squadron, lunch from mid-day, AGM upstairs from 1.00pm. Please do all attend, an important meeting at a popular venue
Ravenshoe Overnighter as discussed and decided at our first monthly meeting at Speewah. Details to be communicated closer to the event.
Monthly Meeting - Saturday the 9th at the Show Grounds Cairns Car Club Swap Meet on Sunday the 10th. Meeting and set-up from mid-day on the Saturday.
Sunday lunch ride: “Tablelands loop ride” – in reverse this year, details will follow, but up the Kuranda Range, lunch at Lake Barrine Tea House, home down the Gillies. Meet at 9.00am bottom of the Kuranda Range, morning tea at the “Ice Creamery” around 10.00am
Monthly Meeting – Meerawa Car Club – Club paid and organised: A good BBQ lunch with drinks provided, partners and friends encouraged, cars if required. Let’s also make this a good social event with partners and allow a few hours from 11.00am.
Sunday lunch ride – meet 9.00am Macca’s Gordonvale for coffee and fuel, Bingil Bay Café for lunch via South Johnstone. Lake Barrine Tea rooms for morning tea.
Monthly meeting – “Chopper Mike’s” Mini Car Rentals Mike will provide a BBQ from mid-day, meeting at 1.00pm . 134 Undercover plenty of bike parking
Chillagoe Overnighter, details will be discussed soon at other Monthly Meetings, …………… one of two overnighters. Steve Kay will organise it.
Monthly Meeting – Cruising Yacht Club, lunch in bar at midday, meeting upstairs at 1.00pm
Sunday Lunch ride to the Daintree Village, Ellis Beach for Coffee from 9.30am, Greg or someone may introduce some back roads around Mossman
End of Year - Christmas Luncheon. The 2024 Christmas Luncheon was a huge success
Sunday Lunch ride to Milla Millaa Rumours Cafe A lovely ride yesterday to Millaa Milla for lunch, mostly good, but misty very light rain till our lunch stop, Steve & Rhonda took us on a couple of back roads most hadn’t seen, then the Upper Barron to Milla Mills, great lunch in good company, I didn’t count but 12 to 15 bikes. Going home we went back the Palmerston with 4 or 5 others, mostly good till the lower Range where we got trashed with rain all the way home to Cairns. A few of us went back via Kuranda, Greg took us on some back roads onto Channel Road to avoid the boring stretch between Atherton and Mareeba, but the heavy rain convinced us to take the shorter route back via the Kennedy Hwy . We got a proper drenching as well - another soggy bottom ride!
Monthly meeting – Palm Cove Hotel in their under-cover Garden Bar, great food. A really strong meeting on Saturday with a great attendance, Palm Cove Tavern was a great venue and will be used again next year, and a back-up for any cancellations this year.
Sunday lunch ride – Port Douglas, The Tin Shed, met at Ellis Beach 10.30am for Coffee and a chat
Short ride to the monthly meeting because of the Wet Season
Monthly meeting and Christmas Luncheon
This Sunday ride was a really good ride in mostly good weather, many turned up for Coffee’ and a snack at Ellis Beach, which was a good start, then we left around 10.30am for the Daintree with around 12/14 bikes, a quick stop at Craiglee, then, the lovely Rain-Forest ride to the Daintree Village, lunch at the Crocodile Express Café was great outside, out the back of the Café where there is plenty of room. The ride home was also dry with moderate traffic, a few decided to ride up the Rex Range with Luxy, and then ride down the Kuranda Range
A really good attendance and a good meeting with plenty discussed, thanks. Meeting minutes were distributed by Paul.
Monthly ride to Malanda for the car & bike show. We left Macca’s Gordonvale just after 9.00am and rode up to the Malanda Show. A nice turnout and a great variety of bikes and cars at the show! After a good look around and as it was a hot day, we decided not to have lunch and instead ride back, part of the group via the Gillies, part of the group via the Kuranda range.
Lunch at mid-day, meeting at 1pm
Our Monthly Lunch Ride, we met Paul Naylor ( red Moto Guzzi ) in the car park at Macca’s at 9.00am and left around 9.30am to ride up to the Pit-Stop Café at Yungaburra. A number of members were welcoming us up there and soon after we followed Steves lead on a “Loop” ride part of which will be the a Upper Barron Road and ending up at Shaylee’s Strawberry Farm. This was a fantastic loop along various roads which most of us have not been riding on before. As the Strawberry Farm was super busy we decided to move to a Cafe in Yungaburra where we enjoyed a nice lunch. Great ride - great company - great weather with no rain for once!
A really good Monthly Meeting at the Meerawa Hot-Rod Clubhouse on Saturday, September the 7th, and an excellent attendance, especially considering the weather forecast, everyone had a great social time with less than usual Car Club Members, but there was the Mount Garnet Car Show & the Babinda Festival on with many car guys heading to either, plus the fore mentioned weather forecast. Future meetings at the Meerawa Club will require much more respect when entering and leaving this property, the Clubhouse is surrounded by private properties that naturally require as little exhaust, and other noise as possible, this is just plain common sense, thanks to all.
A good ride yesterday in nice cool weather, the Lake Barrine Tearooms were awesome and very much now again “Open for Business” and we will use them more often. Steve and Rhonda took us on a back-roads ride through the Western side of Mareeba coming back in through the Industrial Centre of Mareeba, somewhere most hadn’t been through before, then down the Kennedy Hi-way via Kuranda, then down through Smithfield to Brothers Footy Club for a good lunch. A ride we may build on, or do backwards next year, ………………… looking forward to your feed-back during the next few meetings.
The 2024 Cairns Car & Bike Swap Meet went as well as it could considering the weather forecasted, a good set-up day on Saturday the 10th of August went well with a reasonable number of members present, and thanks to those who helped with Gazebo set-up etc. Sunday was a wet start, but over-all a very good day was had by all who attended and a great Public Attendance considering the bleak weather forecast, but we certainly didn’t get the forecasted weather. A lovely array of both bikes and cars to perv on, our Club scooped up most of the Motorcycle awards with Jim McKenzie-Smith taken 2 awards for this just finished, and beautiful R90S BMW, Eddie Stockley for his Norton 750, Rosco’s Kawasaki H1500 with other potential members, a lovely GSXR750, Honey with her beautiful HD Chopper, and a very nice HD Springer taking the best American.
A marvellous facility and deserves a good attendance, organised by Peter Boric and Jim Mac. Perfect weather greeted Eddie Stockley and Paul Naylor at Gordonvale, they proceeded up the Gillies to Yungaburra, also in perfect weather and met up with Steve, Rhonda, Chris and Pete. We rode up the upper Barron road and down Gentle Annie to avoid roadworks between Malanda and Millaa for lunch at Rumours Cafe. The local Lions club was having a free sausage sizzle, so all of us had a freebie before lunch at Rumours. Great ride down the Palmerston with Paul Naylor heading back at the south Johnston turnoff, Chris had turned back earlier at Millaa. Eddie, Pete, Rhonda and I journeyed on thru South Johnston to meet Peter Boric, Jim Mac, Steve and Allison, Carl and Kathy at El Arish for lunch at Bingil Bay where Peter took over and guided us thru backroads to the Bowhunters for a meet and greet. The motel stayers left to check in with the idea of phoning a cab to get back at around 6.30pm for a bbq tea, however Telstra had other plans. Unbeknown to us Telstra was upgrading in the area, so no one had signal. Talked to the motel owner who offered his landline to ring a cab, but the Tully taxi service, god bless them, were not at home. Enter Tina Stockley who saves the day, she had driven down to stay with Eddie at the motel, so, we had wheels. The bbq tea, cheap beer, the facilities and the hospitality of the bow hunters was outstanding as always thanks to Peter Boric and the Bowhunters committee. Jim Mac displayed his recently and beautifully restored 1977 BMW R90/S (one of Don Roy’s). 8am the next morning we returned for breakfast and a non eventful ride home. Steve W.
AGM and monthly meeting - Cruising Yacht Club - lunch from Midday - AGM from 1.00pm upstairs
A great turn-out with a very enjoyable ride, not quite the bright sunshine we all would have liked, but getting there, I think the Ravenshoe Hotel food was good and I will start to organise our overnighter for October the weekend of 12th/13th and will discuss, along with other rides and over-nighters at the AGM.
Thanks to all who attended our combined Social Event and our Monthly Meeting at the Top of The State Hot-Rod & Custom Car Club. The mornings early weather looked ordinarily, which may have kept some locked up at home, but the day cleared and we had a great and very social day with the Car Club members, we all enjoyed a lovely BBQ cooked by Steve, Kev & Eddie, also many thanks to the Car Clubs Committee who not only provide the Club-house, but clean it on the Friday before, get there at 9.30am Sunday morning and spend the day with us. A SPECIAL thanks to Tania, Alison, Paz, Dawn & Tina who prepared all the salads, condiments and helped hand-out food, then cleaned up afterwards, it was also great to see so many other wife’s/partners attend, for these Social Events, Saturday’s ( June ) , our September meeting ( Saturday the 7th ) also at Meerawa, and naturally the Christmas Party, which will again be at Gazlay’s Footy Club, Saturday 7th December, we really encourage all wife’s and partners to come and have a nice lunch and a drink or two. We also had Harry & Bev as guests with Harry’s lovely Velo, and we welcome two new members: Hector & Sam Harm ( GPZ750 ).
We met at the McDonalds Gordonvale at 9.30am for coffee and left at around 10.00am, riding up the Gillies on a mostly dry road to Yungaburra where we stopped at the Strawberry farm for a coffee. As the sun came through for a bit we decided to go for a Tablelands loop ride via Herberton & Bromley Swamp, but the rain caught up with us quickly. Despite that we had a nice ride to Malanda where we enjoyed our lunch in the ball room. A good turnout and nice ride despite the reasonably average and unpredictable weather!
A great turn out - over 60 bikes on display - check out the Gallery on our website for more and full size pictures
Met at Ten06 Cafe Yorkeys Know at 10am, took off for a ride to Julatten Hotel for lunch - then back via Mt Molloy and via Kuranda or Gillies Range. A really good ride yesterday and the weather remained good as forecast and it was great to see a few who hadn’t been on a ride for a while, I didn’t count, but around 15 plus on the ride, a few turned around at the top of the Rex look-out, or at the Julatten Hotel as they had other commitments, but a good turn-out, ………….. for those like Tania and I who hadn’t been along the Coast Road since December, it was very telling of the damage back then, but also of the huge clean-up that Main Roads and others have completed, whilst we didn’t stop, it was great to see the Ellis Beach Café really busy and based on the traffic, Port Douglas must also have been busy, we had a good ride home back via Yungaburra and down the Gillies in reasonably light traffic given the end of the School Holidays
Mike will provide a BBQ from mid-day. Undercover parking available for bikes
Met McDonalds Gordonvale at 9.30am for coffee and discuss a short ride. Followed by a ride up to Yungaburra and then heading to Malanda for lunch. Due to the rather miserable weather not many members turned up but the few that did still enjoyed their ride and the catch up and lunch.
Monthly meeting - lunch at midday, meeting at 1.00PM
Short ride - Wet Season
Meeting will be a ride from the Parkview Hotel to the Car Club after lunch at around 1.00pm
My first three restorations were mid 80's Yamaha XJ900's, my restoration philosophy is to restore them to to look and perform better than new and this has followed on to my latest 1981 Honda CX500B Deluxe
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